I absolutely LOVE being in love. I love the idea of love, always have. It has gotten me in trouble sometimes and it has led me down the wrong path other times, but it has never derailed me for long.
I have been lucky to be loved by numerous people in my life. No, not just boys or men. I even mean my parents. I can honestly say I have never doubted their love. Even when I was in elementary school and wrote a check from their account for books in red pen or in high school when I disappointed them for something stupid or silly, or down right bad, and college when I bounced a check (knowingly actually) but told them I made a mistake. (Hey, I think I just ratted myself out again) Or in my early 30's when I called them at 2am in trouble... no need to expand on that...
Trust me, my list could go on and on... the point is the same, no matter what, I have always felt the love of my parents.
I've been lucky to have friends that have shown me love. I have loved and been hurt by love. But no matter what, I have always believed in it.
Valentine's is a made up holiday, I get that. I know its commercial, I know we should show love everyday, but I don't care, I love Valentine's Day.
As a mom, I have truly learned about love. I love my boys, more than I ever thought possible. Trust me, they drive me nuts, especially the pre teen one right now, but God, I love that kid. I love being a step mom too. I am lucky, that kid is the easiest step child to love and funny thing, there's nothing "step" about it in our home. Oh and that little Hollister. He has brought this family so much love and even when I am cleaning up his "accident" in his underwear, he says, "I sorry Mommy", how do you not LOVE that?
I think it goes without saying I love my husband, but of course I'll say it. I love that man. He has taught me more about love than I ever thought possible. Marriage kind of love is hard. It doesn't come as easily as Mommy love. Maybe for some people, but not us. I am not ashamed to admit that. Our love is strong though and it feels good to love and be loved back like that.
So today, I was able to visit with my family and show love and feel love. Then my boys and I spent some time loving each other while we made cookies.
Like most men, my hubby hates this day, but he knows its important to me. We don't make a big deal about it, but its the little things. He had surprises when he came home today and I did too. The funniest thing is, we both bought each other chocolate covered strawberries. We LOVE those, no matter how much we are trying to eat healthy and stuff. There is always room for chocolate covered strawberries!
The boys and I made cookies before dinner and decorated afterward.

Both of the boys rolled their cookies. Surprisingly, CJ had a blast. He was very excited about making his own cookies. He is still a "boy" sometimes.

Hollister enjoyed the icing part. He instructed me what to "write". Funny thing, he didn't like the icing on his fingers, when I told him to lick it off, he said, "no that nasty mommy". Oh, he will come to learn that is the best part!

The finished product!
All of our cookies were lips, except one. CJ made his own heart. I am also in love with kissing, but I won't expand on that. LOL

And of course eating them is the most fun!

I hope you felt love today. I hope you feel it everyday I hope you show love daily.
I LOVE that you read my blog. Those of you that leave comments, I LOVE you even more! (hee hee)