Don't ask why? Just enjoy! His world, his get up!
Think I should nominate him for What Not to Wear?
I was checking blog updates today and was thinking an update on our own blog is long overdue.
We have been.... busy, lazy, both?
Last weekend we had a neighborhood BBQ here and it would have been a great time for a great blog except, I didn't take one photo! And trust me, there would have been some great shots.
We had about 40 people here (adults & kids) Trevor made 23 hamburgers at once. We had chicken and hot dogs, queso, fruit salad, chips and dip, fruit and dip, beans, cobbler and cake. Not to mention the amount of beer that was drank. We had a little, no BIG, beer bottle garden growing on the side of our house. Since it was mostly a neighborhood party though walking home was still possible and safe.
I made cake that also should have been a photo op, except that it looked awful! It was supposed to look like a watermelon. Well, lets just say, it didn't. It was a green mess. The inside did have white and pink and even had seeds. It actually tasted delicious, but oh my was it ugly. I tried a Sandra Lee Semi Homemade thing.. HA! It looked easy....

This is what is was supposed to look like. The inside did for the most part.... but the outside... HA! I still can't believe anyone ate it. But, I promise, it was yummy!
We have stayed busy visiting friends and hitting the pool a few times. It is still just too hot, even for the pool. Trevor and Kendrick continue to stay busy with the handyman business.

The only way to stay cool these days!

Not sure what CJ is doing here, but Hollister seems to be ignoring him.
Yesterday, 3 of the 4 boys got haircuts for a photo shoot we had today. Hollister and Kendrick look like twins! My hubby has the strongest genes, I feel like I already know what the baby will look like. Thank goodness CJ looks a little like me!

This is what happens when your step mom carries her camera with her all the time and she keeps a blog. Love the clip, Kendrick! (he will just die when he learns I added this!) Man, I love being the MOM!!!!!

This is what happens when your 3 year old invades your purse. Is he cool or what?
Today, on a Saturday, we all woke up crazy early.... 5:15am for me, 6:00am for everyone else. We had a photo shoot with my friend to do maternity shots and some senior pics for Kendrick. We went to the botanical gardens in downtown Austin. It is pretty cool. Tons of great photo places. It was incredibly humid though. Pictures from that will be appearing soon. Here's a sneak peek. Also check her
site, she adds them pretty quickly.

Summer is winding down, but life is still busy and crazy for us. Many changes in place here in the Hodges household, so be sure to keep checking in for all the updates.
All is good and we hope all is well with you whom read this blog!