Trevor's Dad was in town so, thankfully Hamilton didn't have to go to day care right away. After taking his first bottle the Saturday before I felt confident that he would eat well.
All the Hodges, Hamilton was tired of picture time.

We headed out about 6:15am. I made three trips to the car. One for the "stuff", one with Hollister, cuz at 6:15 even the big brother isn't walking. The last trip was Hamilton. He was wide awake and content. The day care was excited about his first day as well.

Hamilton had a great day and won the ladies hearts over with his precious smiles. He did all the normal things, ate, slept, and pooped. He even has a brand new vibrating bouncy seat at day care, just for him. Hamilton is the only baby right now. The next youngest is 1 year and 16 months. He is definitely being spoiled.
Due to our busy week last week, I missed a post I had wanted to do. So, for the first time, I am going to do two posts in one. It is called:
" The Never Ending Birthday"
Hollister's birthday was January 6th. We gave him our presents that day. His party was January 9th. His friends gave him presents on that day. Grandma and Aunt Mary came for visit January 16th and he got presents. Poppa Benny bought him a present January 19th while visiting and Aunt Kim sent him a package. Thank goodness it arrived the same day Poppa gave him his present. He definitely loves opening presents! He also had quite the theme for his birthday, BATMAN. Click here to see the Batman party.... check out the latest Batman toys below.
Thanks Aunt Kim!
Thanks Poppa, I was just checking this out at Target with Mommy.

So we had to draw the line, his birthday is OVER. No more presents or cake!...
At least until Daddy's big one next week!