Running for his trophy
This past weekend was Elgin Little League Day at the Round Rock Express game. Kids from Elgin got to be "Baseball Buddies" Baseball Buddies get to run on the field with a minor league player and stand with them during the national anthem. It's a very cool experience, at least for the parents of those kids. Before the game, the kids were standing and waiting. While they wait, the players are extremely nice to them. They come up and sign their baseballs, even if the kids don't want it signed. (Yes, that really does happen) One of the players was messing with Hollister's hat and being silly. The Express has recently become Texas Rangers farm team, since we are Astros fans, we don't really know these players, but it was still a lot of fun. Even Spike gets in on the action. Hollister LOVED this!
This was after the player was goofing with Hollister and his hat.
Hollister ran with his team mate, Kyle to 2nd base.
The 2nd baseman and shortstop from Round Rock were the boys' "buddies".
CJ and Hollister hanging in the shade together.
This was actually Hamilton's first baseball game. It was H-O-T!
He was a trooper though. He walked around a lot!
After the game, Hamilton helped out by holding the plastic cups and "drinking" from them.
This week, CJ had an award ceremony at school. He is quite the decorated student. He received a perfect attendance award, three TAKS commended awards, and A/B honor roll award and a presidential award for academic excellence. Way to go CJ!
And finally.... we got a new fancy fridge!