Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hodges Update!

Hopefully this summer I can keep up with my posts, but for now...

it's a "Hodge"podge!

Closing Ceremony for Tball... Trevor had to announce all the kids names for their trophy presentation.

Running for his trophy

A boy and his trophy!

This past weekend was Elgin Little League Day at the Round Rock Express game. Kids from Elgin got to be "Baseball Buddies" Baseball Buddies get to run on the field with a minor league player and stand with them during the national anthem. It's a very cool experience, at least for the parents of those kids. Before the game, the kids were standing and waiting. While they wait, the players are extremely nice to them. They come up and sign their baseballs, even if the kids don't want it signed. (Yes, that really does happen) One of the players was messing with Hollister's hat and being silly. The Express has recently become Texas Rangers farm team, since we are Astros fans, we don't really know these players, but it was still a lot of fun. Even Spike gets in on the action. Hollister LOVED this!This was after the player was goofing with Hollister and his hat. Hollister ran with his team mate, Kyle to 2nd base. The 2nd baseman and shortstop from Round Rock were the boys' "buddies".
CJ and Hollister hanging in the shade together. This was actually Hamilton's first baseball game. It was H-O-T! He was a trooper though. He walked around a lot!
After the game, Hamilton helped out by holding the plastic cups and "drinking" from them. This week, CJ had an award ceremony at school. He is quite the decorated student. He received a perfect attendance award, three TAKS commended awards, and A/B honor roll award and a presidential award for academic excellence. Way to go CJ!And finally.... we got a new fancy fridge!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tball Wrap up

So, TBall is officially over for us. We still have closing ceremonies, but no games or practices. I was looking though my pictures and I have about 100. Don't worry, I didn't insert them all. That's just craziness!

Part of TBall is learning the game and experiencing different positions. There are rules to where you play kids and teams aren't supposed to play kids in the same spot game after game. Let me just say, Tball is just as competitive as older baseball though.

Hollister was able to try out each position and he did get better each game. Not always better at baseball, but better at something. In the outfield he dances or twirls around. If he is near dirt, he draws pictures. He did get to play pitcher once and he loved it. That is where the action is in TBall. His best game, the last game, he was at 3rd base. He stopped 4 balls in all. He didn't get an out, but stopping a ball is a hard skill to master.

Ready at pitcherFielding the ball at pitcher (using his hand)First BaseI know this picture is blurry, but you can see that he is actually running after the ball. Fielding the ball with his glove... (not the way to do it) 2nd base
3rd base 3rd base... no, not ready...
Outfield, yes those are his fingers in his mouth! Batting!

Hollister is a switch hitter. For you non baseball people, that means he can hit the ball both left and right handed. He's pretty good at both, better at left.

Hamilton does well at the games and practices, but he does get tired and apparently he decided during one of the games that he was ready for a nap right then and there.

Dads vs. Kids game

For the last practice, Trevor had the Coaches/Dads play the team in a game of baseball. The Dads had to use their left hands (unless they are normally left handed) and they had to bat from their knees.

It was very comical and lets just say, boys will be boys... no matter of the age. Hollister battingHe made it to first base, Dad didn't get him out!Now he's on 2nd.Trevor batting from his knees. He made it to 1st base Hollister on first another time after batting.

Final score was something like 22,000 to 15 in favor of the kids! LOL

It was loads of fun and it was a nice way to spend the last practice. Even though, Hollister told his Daddy, "This is not practice." I know he had fun, but he didn't want it to be called practice.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Kindergarten Registration

Hollister is officially registered for kindergarten. He is Elgin's newest wildcat!
We decided to have him attend school in Elgin at the school up the street. He will not be a commuter with Mommy.
School starts in August and let me just say, I thought I'd be more excited. I am not. My little boy is going to kindergarten people!!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


It is hard to believe that 18 months ago I went to work anxiously awaiting maternity leave that was to begin the very next day. I was looking forward to the next 5 days of R-E-S-T. I didn’t feel very good and I was ready to just be home and enjoy the last few days. Well, Hamilton had other ideas and I found out by lunch why I didn’t feel very good.
I was in labor! Hamilton was on his way and he didn’t want to wait 5 more days.
Now, a year a half later, I can’t even recall what life was like before he arrived. He is such a happy little boy.
He has officially moved out of the “baby” room at day care. It’s a nice change on my check book, but still kind of sad.
He’ll have his 18 month check up later this week, so not stats quite yet, but he’s just BIG, with a capital B-I- and G!
He eats everything and often. When he wakes up in the morning, he wants to go directly to his chair in the kitchen to eat, no new diaper, no clothes, just food.
He is happy all the time and smiles the biggest smile. He is really into balls; any kind of ball. If he sees a ball, he will point and say, “bah-ball”. Even when he sees one on TV, he points it out. Trevor made a baseball cake last week, when I opened the fridge, Hamilton saw it and pointed to it and said, “bah-ball”.
He loves his big brothers and especially loves following Hollister around. He loves to be chased by him enjoys tackling Hollister as well. They laugh together so much.
He can now go up and down the stairs by himself, which is still extremely scary for us all. He loves his shoes and loves to take them off. He tries to put everyone’s shoes on. He can point to his feet, his nose and is really good at following directions. (I revel in this now, because I know this will not last) He loves to be outside and especially in his wagon. He has been a real trooper through soccer and tball practices and games. Recently he has had enough of being in the stroller while watching the kids play, so I let him out and he was in hog heaven. He grabbed a bat and a ball and tried to swing the ball off the tee. At the end of practice the kids run the bases for fun and he saw Daddy and Hollister running so he started running. It was the cutest thing.

He also drinks from a cup now. Not all the time, and only water and only what I want to clean up, but it is a start. He is really learning control over the cup and how much to “drink”. This is what a sweaty baby who needs a haircut looks like. How fun is he? Yes, I have put off cutting his hair because he’s my baby and yes, I know it has to be done….

A year and a half? Wow, how can I bottle this time up?