We finally had Hollister's birthday party. Since his birthday was three days after the holiday break, we made it for the following weekend so his friends would have at least a week to plan. I was so pleased with the turn out. He has some really great kids in his class!
Trevor made a fabulous cake as always!
Hollister is a January birthday and it is almost always cold. Yesterday it was 66 degrees and SUNNY!!!! We jumped on the opportunity and got a bouncy. Thank goodness for that too, those five and six year olds had a LOT of energy. This was perfect! I didn't even mind all the dry grass in my house afterward.
Present time! The theme was super heros, and the presents reflected that!

Captain America!

Iron man Trio car

Iron man and Spider man

Lots of tissue paper and bags....

Spider man!!!!!!
Cake time!

Making a wish!
Macy Bobby
Aiden Landon
Captain America. aka L.T. Javia
Jack Jaiden
Then Hamilton decided he needed to be in the pictures too!
Chance Ian & Noah

These were some of the decorations along with the buildings I made. My "cheese balls" here! Funny story, Hollister told one of this friends, Noah, to bring cheese puffs for the party. Not as a gift, but just for snacks. Apparently Noah brings them for lunch and Hollister notices and wants them as well. So, as a joke, Noah (his Dad) put them in his gift. Noah thought it was hysterical and Hollister smiled and moved on. He gets embarrassed so easily. They were on of the first things opened though as the party ended. You can tell, they both love Cheese Puffs!