Saturday, January 21, 2012

2nd lost tooth, a Vow and Bros...

Hollister lost his second tooth last week. This was with a little more drama than the first. I had to "pull" it out, but thankfully it was extremely loose. He said it hurt, but I think it was quick and clean.

The tooth is lost. I put it in a bag for the tooth fairy and it probably got thrown away in this craziness we call home. He has yet to ask about it and since he doesn't read this blog, I can write about.

In other news: He received a really cool gift at his birthday party called "Presto Dots". It's from Crayloa and of course we had to make it. This was the end product.

Let's just say during this process, I vowed to NEVER buy an art gift for a child for his birthday. Why you ask? Because I don't want parents cursing me, lilke I cursed the mother of the child who gave this one to Hollister.

Hollister and Hamilton received some cute clothes a while back from their Mimi and I FINALLY got them pictured in them.

Best Bro and Big Bro!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Add Zookeeper to the many I hats I wear

In our lives we wear so many different hats as parents, spouses, siblings, for me, educator. Well, now I have proof that I am can add Zookeeper to my list.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Super Birthday

We finally had Hollister's birthday party. Since his birthday was three days after the holiday break, we made it for the following weekend so his friends would have at least a week to plan. I was so pleased with the turn out. He has some really great kids in his class!

Trevor made a fabulous cake as always!
 Hollister is a January birthday and it is almost always cold. Yesterday it was 66 degrees and SUNNY!!!! We jumped on the opportunity and got a bouncy. Thank goodness for that too, those five and six year olds had a LOT of energy. This was perfect! I didn't even mind all the dry grass in my house afterward.

Present time! The theme was super heros, and the presents reflected that!
Captain America!

Iron man Trio car

Iron man and Spider man

Lots of tissue paper and bags....

Spider man!!!!!!
Cake time!
Making a wish!


                                                       Macy                                  Bobby

                                                     Aiden                                     Landon

                              Captain America. aka L.T.                                   Javia

                                               Jack                                                     Jaiden

Then Hamilton decided he needed to be in the pictures too! 
                                              Chance                                        Ian & Noah

These were some of the decorations along with the buildings I made.  My "cheese balls" here! Funny story, Hollister told one of this friends, Noah, to bring cheese puffs for the party. Not as a gift, but just for snacks. Apparently Noah brings them for lunch and Hollister notices and wants them as well. So, as a joke, Noah (his Dad) put them in his gift. Noah thought it was hysterical and Hollister smiled and moved on. He gets embarrassed so easily. They were on of the first things opened though as the party ended. You can tell, they both love Cheese Puffs!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Birthday Tradition

We visit Chuck E. Cheese once a year. That place is a madhouse and we can handle just once a year. Hollister's birthday is a great excuse. This year we were smart and went on a Sunday, early morning. It was great! We also tried a different location and that seemed to make a big difference as well. We had a GREAT time and its that one special thing we do as a family the same time each year.

Hard to get them all in with Chuck E. Cheese... Trying to edit and its not working, so its staying this size. Those "ant people" are the boys in my life!

Playing basketball with Daddy. 
 Popping Bubbles
 Riding the monster truck with Hamilton
 Air Hockey!
 A virtual roller coaster
 Good Old Chuck E Cheese

Hamilton was really into it this year. He wanted his own tokens and he wanted to do it all by himself of course. He loved the rides!
 This was called Hammerhead. The idea was to hit the sharks as they popped up.
 Pull the level, spin and hit a button to win tickets!
This year we made it family only since we are having a party at the house next weekend with his friends. It was a very nice, pleasant Sunday afternoon.

Friday, January 6, 2012

How we begin each new year


Hollister is 6. SIX YEARS OLD people!

He is a great six year old. He is obsessed with super heroes, his favorite being Batman. He is a great big brother. He plays soccer and Tball and does pretty good at both. This past season he really emerged as quite the aggressive soccer player. He enjoys playing Kinect Sports and is quite the dancer as well. He makes us all laugh. He is doing well in Kindergarten and is learning so much every day. He has gone through a serious ear surgery this past year and been so brave. His doctor is very impressed. He and his Daddy remain super tight buddies and can be found napping after kindergarten several days a week.

Happy Birthday sweet baby boy!

                                       Cupcakes for his class. Yes, made by his Daddy, just for him!
Special pizza dinner and a game of Kinect golf with Dad and CJ.

Party Animals!

                                                 Doesn't he look like a typical party boy?  (LOL)

Who bought the blowers???!!!

Here's to what lies ahead in 2012