Warning: This is a LONG post and it is old!!! I am not behind. I have been waiting on my husband to send me a picture. Well, I am tired of waiting, so here's our trip to Houston from the very beginning of June.
We went away for the weekend. It was just the four of us. That happens more and more as the older boys well, get older.
We made plans to attend two Astro baseball games and spend some time at the Galleria in Houston.
The boys love, love, love hotels!
I finished work by 11am and we were driving out of town by 12:30!
Let summer begin!
Friday night we went to Hamilton's first professional baseball game. This was also the first game Hollister is old enough to remember. The Astros lost, but they had a great fireworks show after the game.
Our view of the field. We were waaaay up high, but still loved it!
Not really into picture taking Friday night. Guess it had been a long day.
But they LOVED the fireworks. After the game, they opened the roof and the fireworks went off extremely close to where we were sitting.
On Saturday, we slept in and had breakfast at the hotel. Then we headed to the Houston Galleria. The boys did really well. We showed Hollister the
Hollister Store and he was amazed at seeing his name everywhere. When we left, he said, "that is kind of freaky".
The boys favorite store was actually a few stores down from the Hollister store, Lego World!
We ate at The Rainforest Cafe. The boys absolutrly love this restaurant. We aren't super keen on their food, but the atmosphere is fun for the kids.
Silly time!
Balloon animals for my sweeties!!!
I thought it'd be cool to visit this famous candy store. Well, it was a mess. Seriously, kids and a candy store, too much. Plus it was expen$ive!
They know me well though. They saw this chocolate bunny and went right up and stood for a photo.
here's my cool kid at the Gap.
Hamilton had enough of the Galleria.
At Sundays game we all got lunch bags. I can check that off my school supply list for August.
Thanks Astros!
And before the game, they were finally ready to take pictures!
Inside the park with MICKEY!!!! Hamilton wouldn't get near it. He admired Mickey from a distance.
Hanging with the 'Stros....
I caught it Mom!
hey, me too!!!
Check out the cool popcorn bowl. It's a batting helmet. And in the spirit of having two little ones, yes, we did have to buy another one so they both got a helmet!!!
The boys also got to practice throwing balls.
And when I say boys, I mean Hollister and Trevor!
Trevor's turn!