Once again, I am behind and we are only six days into the year. (typical) I didn't procrastinate this time, I needed a new family picture taken. Finally got one today during Hollister's birthday celebration so now I can finally publish my end of 2012 and then of course start 2013.
This was written 12/31/12
I just reread the entire year of 2012. There's an underlying theme throughout. I was behind all year. I was playing catch up in every post it felt like. Apparently, I am busy. Or, a procrastinator. Probably a little of both.
2011 Family picture
In some ways, 2012 was uneventful. at least compared to our other years.
But, in some ways it was C-R-A-Z-Y, like normal for us.
Everyone is older. Everyone is bigger. (some more than others) But, everyone is healthy!
Hamilton had his 3 year old check up recently and he is 90th %tile for his height and the 95% %tile for his weight! Hamilton continues to grow and mimic everything his older brother and Dad do.
He has soccer to look forward to in 2013. Not until the fall season though.
Hollister had the most going on. He had THREE ear surgeries. yes, THREE. Things are good in this area. His hearing on the right is improving. He continues to wear the Baha at school. We still may have one surgery to handle this next year. Time will tell.
Hollister also had the most going on with sports. He played two in the spring and three in the fall. Trevor coached them all. Hamilton and I cheered at all of them, practices and games.
Kendrick and CJ are both good. Both love reading still. I love that they still enjoy an actual book and not just electronics.
Kendrick turned 21, a huge milestone.
CJ has turning 16 to look forward to and hopefully getting his drivers license.
Trevor continues to work hard and stay busy with his business. We are so fortunate in this area.
I am still teaching 6th grade Math, but actually enjoying it this year. Things do work out the way they are meant to.
Family picture at the end of 2012 (sort of... 6 days into 2013)
Happy New Year and my goal for next year will be to stay on top of things and not be so behind with my posts!