Today he received his NEW hearing aides. He now wears bi-cross hearing aides. They are specific to his hearing loss.
Absolutely amazing how little they can be seen.
The "cross" is worn on the left side (non hearing side). Its job is to send sound via wi-fi to the right side so that he hears better and doesn't have to turn his head when you are speaking to him from the left side.
He has low frequency hearing loss in his right ear and the hearing aide on that side will assist with that hearing as well.
Today we picked them up. It's hard for him to tell the audiologists how he hears, but technology is amazing and the tests they are able to run and make adjustments just blows my mind.
I know for me, I am so relieved we never went with the implanted cochlear implants. They are amazing, but for Hollister's hearing loss, these are the BEST!
When we were driving back today from San Antonio, Trevor asked him if he could hear the radio and he said yes. Trevor said, "Clearly? all the words?" He said yes. It was much quieter than we normally have to listen to music in the truck. It's those little things that make me so happy for him.
We received two very nice solid cases for them, one smaller case, some cleaning supplies and we also receive 3 years worth of batteries! Yes, 3 years!!! The batteries will have to be changed every 5-7 days, so this is quite the relief for us. Hearing Aide batteries are NOT cheap!
I can't wait to see how he does with this new chapter in his world.