Saturday, April 30, 2016

Surprise Road Trip

Major League Baseball season started a few weeks ago. We've been watching a lot of baseball recently. The boys have been anxious to get to an Astro game.

I decided to surprise them with a road trip. Finding a time to go is rough with school, sports and weekends without the boys. But, we made it work.

They were excited when I showed them the tickets. 
When I told them we were go that very day, well, they were BEYOND THRILL! 

Off we went, for a night game! 
Yep, a NIGHT game. 
The boys had the next day off from school, so I knew they'd be okay. 
I had to work, but anything for my boys! 

Before the game, we had some fun with some fun facts about our favorite Astro players. 

Then we had some fun in our seats! 

Yes, we got photo bombed by a Red Sox fan!!! 

Notice how every picture of Hollister is sweet and Hamilton, well, always silly!! 

Spotted our favorite mascot!! 

Hamilton loves the National Anthem. 
See, he can be serious. 

Play Ball! 

Hamilton wants to be part of the game. 
He had some fun in the stands. 

Unfortunately, the Astros didn't win, but they did make it interesting!!! 
They tied it in the bottom of the ninth!!! 
It was already passed 10pm and with a 2+ hour drive home, we were conflicted whether to stay or not. We NEVER leave games early!! 

We had a fun, a lot of fun, 
We spent the next few days tired and it was worth it in every way! 
We can't wait for the next game! 

Saturday, April 16, 2016

My Little Soccer Star

Hamilton had his first game for the end of the year tournament last night. 
They didn't win. 
But, Hamilton scored TWO goals!!! 

It was awesome and he did great. He is very aggressive and competitive!! 
So proud of him! 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Birthdays and Baseball

So far the month of April has been about birthdays and baseball. 

First, we celebrated our neighbor Jack's 9th birthday. So much fun at Austin Park and Pizza. 
It was so much fun, I don't have very many pictures. Thankfully I got one with the birthday boy. 
They got to play miniature golf, laser tag, ride go carts (even though they didn't because the lines were so long) and play video games. 
 And Hamilton got to spend the evening with his good buddy Cooper. 
They had a blast as you can tell! 

The next day we celebrated CJ. 
He turned 19 this year. 
I had the rare opportunity to spend it with all 4 of my boys for brunch. 
Plus one... on the left is Leanna, she is Kendrick's fiance'. She is an absolutely lovely young lady. She will be a wonderful daughter in law. Super excited for them both. 

And we have continued to spend lots of time at the ball field. 
Hollister is doing so well this season. He is a strong hitter and is working hard for his new team. It shows in his line up position and where he plays. 

He recently pitched and did really well. 
He pitched two innings, struck out two batters walked one and didn't allow any runs. 

So proud of the baseball player he is becoming. 

Hamilton is finishing up his soccer season. 
It's been rough for his team, but he continues to improve. 

Time is moving quickly. 
For me, I spend most of my time loving on these precious boys. 
They are my life. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Changing the Relationship Status on FB

I changed my relationship status on Facebook today.
I didn't really.
Hypothetically, I did though.
But my new reality, after 11 years, I am single.

For months I have asked myself if I would ever discuss this topic on "social media".
I still don't know what is considered appropriate.
Is it taboo to discuss such things openly?
 I don't know.

Social media can be dangerous, but it can also be fun. I like seeing my high school friends become grandparents. I enjoy seeing young teachers I have taught with become mothers. I want to know when someone is sick or has lost a parent. I want to find comfort from my friends and celebrate my own children's accomplishments with my friends. Social media is what you make it.
I also know social media doesn't mean you should share all your business with everyone you know. That just isn't necessary.

But I know, if even one person can be helped by my experience and the lessons I learn daily, then it is worth it.  I have received lots of encouragement without people even knowing they have given me hope on a given day. 

What I choose to share is my decision and I will have to live what I put "out there". 
Can I face my children years from now with what I share right now?

At the moment I have had an emotionally draining day. I'm kind of numb.
Our justice system is not just, Good does not always win the short race.
But, I'm choosing to look at the big picture. 

Here's the facts. 
I'm a single mom.
Waiting on a signature to make things official now. 

Is there a right or wrong, who's to blame? 
Well, of course. Don't be fooled by politically correct answers. I don't buy it. 
Do I sleep at night with a clear conscious?

Those that know me, know I am strong. 
It doesn't mean I don't hurt or cry, and I'm NOT putting a fake smile on my face.
It means, that in the midst of this storm, I have been healing and finding my strength.

At 45, I am emotionally mature enough to deal with what the direction my life is going. 
I'm able to take stock of my life and know that I will do what is best for myself and my young children. 
I have a strong support team and have never lost my faith that God is ultimately in control of what happens in my life. 

This entire process has taught me a lot.
The following list has got me this far and will continue to keep my boys and I in a good place.

1. I have amazing family and friends. Having a strong support team is essential.

2. I raised an amazing boy in CJ. He is a rock and so wise beyond his years. 
Those of you who know him would be so impressed and proud of him.

3. Right is right and wrong is wrong. But, our justice system is not always just. 

4. My life has NOT fallen apart. My life is falling into place. 
(Thank you Casting Crowns for those wise words)

5. A lie doesn't become truth, wrong doesn't become right and evil doesn't become good, just because its accepted by the majority.

6. Just because a person doesn't put hands on you, doesn't mean they aren't abusive. Abuse is control, blatant disrespect, and also hurtful words. Settling for that in your life is not okay.

7. Someday, everything will make perfect sense. For now though, I am choosing to laugh in the confusion, smile through my tears and keep reminding myself that everything happens for a reason.

8. Just because you make a plan and think it's a good one, doesn't mean it is. A closed door does not mean defeat. It means there's a better door waiting to be opened.
After the outcome of today, I am making new plans.  

These have been things that have gotten me where I am today. 
I wake up every day with my children next to me and know that we will not only be okay, we will thrive. It will take some adjusting, but we will be better than okay.

If I offended you, I didn't mean to. 
I will kiss my children tonight knowing I haven't disrespected anyone or shared anything I wouldn't share with them. This is about me and me closing a chapter in my life. 
I won't apologize for what I feel needed to be done.

2016 has been a challenge so far. 
I have some tough hills ahead of me as I rebuild parts of my life.
I will reach the top though. I am not a quitter.
We are writing our next chapter. 
Hope you will continue to be part of our journey.
