I had some serous contractions at lunch on Tuesday (11:45am), bad enough to shut me up and make my upper lip sweat. It was kind of embarrassing. My team partner insisted on taking me to the hospital where Trevor met us. He was covered in paint, literally and in south Austin. Ironically, he beat us to the hospital which is only 8 minutes from my work. We took our time I guess. LOL

I realized that I never took the "last"maternity picture. Trevor took this one, even with all the lumpy monitors under my robe!
Exam time 1pm:
I was 90% effaced and dilated to a 1. Since I was scheduled for a C-section AND my doctor was on call (thank goodness), I was kept there for a c-section after "office" hours. Which means, they let me stay in labor. Hmm... I have never done this thing they call "labor", why start now? Man, it was not fun. I had some serious contractions and never really was seen by a Dr. There were times when I really wished I had just gone home to rest and thought, "staying pregnant isn't a bad idea".
Birth time:The Dr. arrived at 5pm. We went into the delivery room at 5:13pm. Hamilton was born at 5:46pm.
I was never checked again for dilation, and I am thankful we were still able to have a c-section. All went well and since it was planned and my Dr. was on call, I was relieved. I won't say I wasn't nervous about the whole thing, but I knew it would all be fine, eventually and it was... The following video clip will prove that.
Hamilton was 9lbs 13 oz.... in 6 days (his scheduled arrival, he would have easily been 10) Who cares now though, he is here and HEALTHY!
Recovery:This was a really rough time for me, honestly. Hamilton was with Trevor in the nursery, I didn't see him for quite a while. I was very uncomfortable from the C-section and the tubal ligation. yes, this is it for us. Then, the real fun began because after having awesome blood pressure throughout my pregnancy (for the most part), it got really bad afterward. Again, at this point I am thinking, "I should have just gone home and rested. Why did I come to the hospital?"
1st time seeing the baby:Hamilton was awesome. I was able to nurse and he latched right now. The boys made it to the hospital by this time and they were very excited. Hollister was cautious and wanted to see him, but also wanted to be close to his "Nenick" (aka Kendrick) My first thoughts were that Hamilton looked exactly like Hollister at birth, which he does. My second thought was Hollister is acting exactly like I thought he would. He was wound up at the hospital and couldn't stay for long.
More blood pressure woes:My blood pressure was not stabilizing which was frustrating. I felt fine and by about 10:30ish... I was actually super happy to NOT be pregnant anymore and actually have this precious baby here. I was glad I didn't just go home and rest.... Lots of "drugs" helped with these feelings LOL
High blood pressure complicates things...
It sends doctors and nurses into a frenzy, not to mention my mom. (But she wasn't really aware what was going on)
I was put on medicine, lets just say yuck! I was kept in Labor and Delivery instead of being sent to a postpartum room. This really wasn't so bad. We were right door to the nursery, the room was huge, the nurses were great. I was monitored constantly.
Time to see baby:Hamilton came in my room one more time for about an hour to eat. Again, he did great. Then he was gone... it was weird.... I saw him one more time in the middle of the night and then, again he was gone...
By morning, I just kept him with me. With all the craziness, I felt like I had this baby, but he was never with me. I didn't get much rest though. But I sure did get to love on that boy all day. We had lots of visitors and lots of time together.
My blood pressure was okay. I was expected to go to a postpartum room that night. Unfortunately, after moving all our stuff, getting rid of the catheter, I.V., and using the bathroom on my own, well my blood pressure was back up and they wouldn't move me. I was more than a little upset and frustrated. See, I felt fine. this blood pressure thing isn't new to me, I have had it during pregnancy with CJ, and at my 6 week check up with Hollister. So, we spent another night in Labor and Delivery.
Finally, some action was taken by the right person.... At 7am the next morning, my fabulous, wonderful, amazing Dr. came into my room for rounds and
IMMEDIATELY took me off the yukky medicine and got us sent to the other room. She knows me, she knows what I need and she gets it done!
We spent one more night at the hospital and were sent home Friday afternoon. That story... well, how 'bout...
to be continued.....
note: I don't know why the video is on here twice, please ignore... I am too tired to try and figure it out.