Halloween 2009 was big for us. Not sure why, but it was...
We know Halloween is for kids.
Hollister had 2 Batman costumes. One for day care, one for trick or treating. This was the day care one. Its pajamas, which is great. He can wear it anytime!
This was Batman #2, he even let Trevor paint his eyes. It worked out nice, because the mask didn't stay on long.
This is Batman and scary Daddy. Not sure why, but apparently men like mask. Trevor wore this while trick or treating. Hollister was unphased by it, Mommy kept her distance.
We also saw some interesting costumes.... People are so creative...

Us and our neighbor Eva before Cool River.
Saturday night we had the neighbors over for a party/BBQ. Things get so crazy when everyone comes over, I forget to take pictures. We had tons of great costumes, but sorry, no pics of the kiddos... WAH for me...
Of course, their is always plenty of food.... Aren't the mummy dogs cute? Thanks, Eva for making those. We had pumpkin cake and cookies, spider cupcakes, edible eyeballs, the list goes on and on.
Our older boys passed out candy while we walked. Another missed photo op there. It was nice to have them help us out. Our neighborhood has a zillion kids AND apparently we are one of those neighborhoods people drive to.
Hollister and his good "pal" Jack together. Hollister was really into going to the "next house" for more candy. Didn't take him long to figure out how it all worked.
Kristy, our neighbor, awesome Cleopatra... her make up was awesome, should have gotten a close up. But by then, I was sitting on the couch with my fat feet elevated!
Afterward, we headed to 6th street. Yes, I took my 37+ week pregnant self downtown to 6th street. It was incredibly crowded and what comes to mind to say about the costumes is, "only in Austin" We chose a bar and stayed put. It was really a lot of fun. I was even actually able to put my feet up. I also was not the only pregnant person down there, and not even the only pregnant nun... furthest along, yes... but not the only one.
Funny thing is, many people asked if the "bump" was real, both nights. We would never have chosen those costumes if we didn't have the real thing. LOL
Trevor thoroughly enjoyed himself as well. Years of not celebrating this holiday have been unleashed. He is already planning next year....
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