Sunday, October 25, 2009

Hogeye Time Again....

Yesterday we went to the local festival here in town. It's the annual Hogeye Festival.... celebrating the pig! For those who don't know, Elgin is the sausage capital of Texas.

This is our second Hogeye Festival since we moved here. Click here to see last years experience.

The festival is downtown. It includes tons of food, games, carnival, craft show, car show etc.... Just a nice day to spend with the family.

We enjoyed a few hours of eating and walking, and of course, celebrating the PIG!He was so excited to find this pig. It was his mission from the time we got off the shuttle bus... find the pig!

Pregnancy is the ONLY excuse I could ever use to justify eating a turkey leg!!!

Fried potato chips. We also had fried Oreos, but they didn't last for picture taking.

1 comment:

Mya and River said...

Ooo, I love turkey legs! Your town looks so cute! I can't wait to visit. :)