Wednesday, January 6, 2010

4 year old!

Hollister is 4 years old today! If you ask him how old he is though, he'll tell you 5.

He likes Spiderman, Batman and Superman. His favorite place is Chuck E. Cheese. He still loves Mickey and Handy Man, thank goodness.

His new role of big brother is the sweetest thing about him. He loves his baby brother Hamilton. he gives him kisses all the time and always wants to see his eyes. He enjoys helping with his bath time and will even throw diapers away when needed. If Hamilton is crying, he always says, "He's "hungie" mom, he wants you".

Happy Birthday baby boy!


Zora said...

He looks go big in that picture. Happy Birthday big boy!

J-mee!! said...

LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They grow up toooooo fast!