1st: I celebrated my last birthday. From now on, my birthdays will be "the anniversary of my 39th". Trevor teased that my new washer and dryer were my birthday present, but no way... no appliances as presents here! We had a GREAT dinner and cake and I got both Twilight and New Moon. Luv me some vampires!
2nd: We also had opening day for Hollister's Tball and his first game.
Our team is the "Burlington Bees"
Since I haven't posted about it yet.... TKH Home Pros is the new name of our business formerly known as TKH Handyman Services.
Checkout our new website:
Now check out this CUTE baseball player!
First game... "Tball ready" Hollister is smack dab in the middle of the pic.
Trevor is "TBall ready" too.... bet you can tell which one he is
And here is Hollister's 1st at bat. Get ready for some laughter and a little nausea... sorry I got a little crazy while filming.... You'll understand why.
3rd: We also had our second soccer game first thing this morning. Remember, the first game didn't go so well. Click here for a recap. So after a few weeks of really working and talking it up, and yes bribing him.... today was the big test. Because of tball, we could only play half the game, so he started off. He really did well. He ran all over the place. He didn't try to get the ball though. So, that will be the next lesson. But, no tears and that was my goal for the day!
And here is a video of Hollister running at soccer. He is really interested in all the cameras on the sidelines, not the ball so much. It's all so cute though.
and of course, gotta sneak little man in here too. This week he tried oatmeal cereal and LOVES it way more than just rice cereal. Hollister calls it "baby Lucky Charms". He is also actually playing with toys now. He has a ball he loves and a teething toy. In his small swing he loves to swat the animals that hang. He smiles constantly and giggles too. I will try and get that on video soon.
This is him at opening ceremonies playing with his teething ring.
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