What's that saying... March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb? something like that, huh? well, April has flown by like a hawk and May is speeding in like a puma... its hard to imagine that tomorrow is May 1st.
So, here's some bullet points for ya
Hollister is doing well in baseball and soccer. This is truly a learning experience for us all.
Him as the catcher. Isn't he cute? He HATED it! Oh well....
I just thought these shoes were so cute on him!
Kendrick is still enjoying his job and really looking forward to May and even more so to June. Prom is a week away (can't wait for that post) and graduation 5 weeks away. Which reminds me, I have to get graduation announcements out ASAP!!!! He has enjoyed a "senior week" from school. He has not had to attend classes this week due to TAKS testing (that's the state test here in Texas) so he enjoyed a relaxed week. He received his first paycheck this week. There was a mix up, he was only paid for ONE hour instead of the 17 he worked... think he will frame that check!!! He was pretty light hearted about it.
CJ is doing well. He is itching for summer break as well. He had a "teenage" moment last week in the car. We were driving home and I had the radio on. The sound was kind of low and I was singing along. It wasn't loud, but I was singing. He quietly reached over, turned the volume up and didn't say a word. Hmmmp.... guess he was politely telling me not to sing.
One thing I have noticed lately is that we have such different discussions than we used to. We talk about a lot of "deep" issues and its kind of nice. He's a pretty good debater too. His views are a little slanted and its obvious the "sides" he hears, but he can definitely hold a great conversation with you. Of course, he always has been that way.
Hamilton is doing awesome. He is such a precious boy. He is eating vegetables and we are going to try bananas tomorrow. No, he doesn't sleep through the night and I am okay with that. He is still in the co-sleeper next to me at night and I am also okay with that. He loves to play and he plays hard! He also gives "hugs". It is so precious. He's a very content baby and just happy all the time. He will also smile now when he sees the camera. I love it!!
We decided to skip the bottle and sippy cup and go right to the fountain cups. Okay, just kidding.... This kid will put anything into his mouth!

AHHHHHH... don't eat me Mr. Shark.....
Trevor continues to work hard and stays busy. I do the same, but I don't work nearly has hard as him. I use my brain, not my body :)
I have started running again... slowly... but I have started. I have set a goal to run a half marathon in November, so it is time to get things headed that way.
May is busy so I am sure there will be lots of posts coming your way!
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