Saturday did not start off as planned. Well, let me back up... Friday night, after graduation, I made a statement that my ears and throat hurt. I could just feel myself getting sick. I just needed a few more days and then my body could give out, just a few more days...
Saturday morning: I woke up knowing my body was NOT going to make it a few more days, probably wouldn't even make it a few more hours. We had a few things that had to be done for the party though. Trevor went to get the chairs, I loaded Hamilton and CJ with me to go get the cake and some last minute things from Sams. I took CJ knowing that he could sit with Hamilton while I ran into a few places, but if I got sick, he really couldn't help because he can't drive or anything. But I was optimistic.
We went to Party City, Sams and Target. Our car was loaded. The cake was so big, CJ had to sit in the back with Hamilton. Of course, the trunk was full.... (no, I wouldn't put CJ in the trunk, just stating that it was full)
Anyway, I turned onto the back roads we take from Pflugerville to Manor to get to Elgin... I knew something was wrong and I took a deep breath thinking, "okay, I can do this. I need 15 minutes" Well, I had about 15 seconds actually... I pulled into a driveway... opened the door and lost it... what did I lose the Diet Coke I had at Sams and the crackers I had on the way to Sams. From the back seat I hear (in a shaky voice) "Uh... Mom Are you okay?" He was very concerned. Of course I felt "better"... backed up and drove the rest of the way home. Better wasn't really better in that I was well, but at least my stomach wasn't upset anymore.
Thank goodness for a lot of family being here because I was in no shape to do anything but sleep. I had one hour to nap and get myself together before guests arrived.
The party started at 3pm, I really wasn't feeling up to par, but with so much help, I wasn't really needed. The party went off without a hitch and it ended up being the biggest party we have had. (Trevor's birthday was close, but there were more people here this past weekend)
I know Kendrick had a great time and was thrilled that so many people came out. As always, Trevor got his grill on and no one was disappointed and no one left with an empty stomach.
I even got in on the festivities, once my headache went away. I guess my body just needed me to slow down and take a break. Again, no way I could have done this without help from my sister in laws! They rocked it!

Yummy cake!
We are so proud of Kendrick and so thankful for all the family and friends for celebrating with us.
Trevor, Kendrick and Papa Benny

Aunt Nikki, Kendrick, Uncle Josh

Papa Gary, Mimi, Kendrick

Kendrick, Aunt Mary

Kendrick and Mimi with the Grace family

Grandpa Golaboff, Kendrick, Grandma Golaboff

Aunt Kim, Papa Gary, Mimi, Kendrick, Aunt Nikki, Aunt Mandy

Eric, Kendrick, Kelly

Kendrick with the Stathatos family

Kendrick and Joel (another 2010 Elgin grad)

Trevor, Kendrick, Ms. Ethel (our neighbor)

Trevor, Benny, Kendrick, Uncle Ronnie

More 2010 Elgin Graduates (+ a future grad)

Too tired to open presents later that night. No, not really, just being silly.