so, I was loading some pics and realized once again that I missed a post. Hollister has completed his first season of sports.
As you know, he was a two sport "all star" this season. It was a busy time, but we survived.
He played soccer in Bastrop, which is about 20+ miles from our house. Elgin doesn't offer a U4 team in the spring, that is why we went to Bastrop. The season ended early due to bad weather, but thank goodness we were able to attend the trophy ceremony!

This was also the last game. At the end of the games, parents and friends make a "run through" for the kids as a celebration. This is one of the favorite things about soccer too. That, and snack.
T-ball here in Elgin ended a week ago. Closing ceremony for us was last Wednesday. Trophies make everything worth it. 

Since TKH Home Pros sponsored the team, we also received a plaque at the ceremony.
We have been enjoying some nights at home since the games have ended, but of course our life has not slowed down any, especially this week. (Of course, Grad posts will be here soon!)
Today though, Hamilton is 29 weeks old. He had his 6 month check up (a few weeks late) He is 22lbs 12 oz and 28 inches long. He is in the 95th%tile with his height and the nurse said, "Wow, he is off the chart on his weight" She was actually being literal. He is so fat, he is OFF THE CHART!!! LOL
He also has an ear infection. Apparently two weeks ago when he was on antibiotics for an ear infection, it didn't work. So, we are beginning our second antibiotic. Plus he is teething. No wonder he is cranky. But, he is still soooo cute! I know this seems cruel of me, but check out these cute pics! (It's all in the name of blogging.)
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