Yesterday, for Hamilton's first birthday, he got tubes put in. We have every indication that this will alleviate the problems he has had and stop all these ear infections!
Playing in the waiting room. It's 6am by the way!
The surgery went very well. He didn't even cry when they took him to the back. The Dr. did say both his ears were very infected. Of course, we knew this from the screaming and pulling at his ears he'd been doing days before.
This was the "surgery bed" Its a huge crib... he played in it before hand. He has no clue what is going on of course... It was just a fun play place in his mind.
More Vitals...
How sweet of the nurses to make note of his birthday. Ratcliff is his Dr.
No names of patients for confidentiality.
After the surgery was the worst. He was quite fussy from the anesthesia. He took a bottle just fine, but still very cranky. Notice that his car seat is facing the front now. Yep, one year olds get to see where they are going, not where they've been. At this point though, he doesn't care. He is cranky and tired. And, its his birthday, so cry if you want to baby!
Within a few hours though, he was very happy and had a great birthday day with Mommy, Daddy and Hollister.
Lunch with the boys...
And some movie fun too
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