Sunday, December 26, 2010

Gingerbread Houses 2010

Here we go again!

To refresh your memories: 2008 Houses and 2009 Houses

Materials: graham crackers, icing, and lots and lots of candy, cereal, sprinkles
most of all PATIENCE!!!!

If this is the first time reading about our family tradition of gingerbread houses,
read the above posts.
It will catch you up.

We don't buy kits. We do it the "hard" way. We get boxes of graham crackers and icing and see what we can do. We do not make it a competition because in our family everything is a competition anyway. Plus, we all know who wins, no matter what.
Its supposed to be fun; sometimes it is and sometimes its not.

If I had to rank this years experience,
I'd say it was probably the least stressful.
We are getting better at it...

Hollister was very excited this year. We had a larger structure for him since last year he was disappointed with such a small house. I have been saving a large goldfish box for months! He really wanted a backyard like his Daddy had last year. Once he got that built, he was raring to go. He wasn't really keen on any help and when left on his own, he really did a great job. He worked on it for HOURS, seriously. We were amazed at his patience and his creativity.

Not so amazed at his goofball faces though. Notice the tongue... this is serious work people. He choose his decorations and where they would be and by golly,
those things are NOT coming off that house. Again, with the silly face. He was so proud of his house though. The front, and yes, he did have some help from Daddy for his name...
Notice though, all the sprinkles by the side of his house...
he tried on his own and got mad when his name didn't "appear"

CJ has not been known for really being "into" this event. (see the above links)
This year though, he did MUCH better. His finished product. This is a hotel. I'd stay there.
Looks fun and I know its built well!
Plus this year, CJ did something he rarely does.
He asked for some help and pointers. And then, he actually listened to them! AMAZING!!!

Kendrick started his house, then had to go to work. When he got home later that night, Trevor was the only one still working. (I know, not shocking...) Anyway, it was hard for him to get back into it. So this is how his house stayed.

I am all about icing and color. This is my house right after I finished. This is my house after the first collapse. And this is my house after the second and final collapse.
I didn't build a sturdy structure, obviously.
But trust me, it was was a yummy house!

and finally....

We all know Trevor takes this event very seriously. So seriously, that we gave him his own table, actually his own room. We all worked in the dining room, he worked in the kitchen. He worked all day, and when I say all day, I mean, ALL day! he uses special icing, not like us common folk who use Betty Crocker, and he uses special tools as well. But his finished product shows it too... The front The back
Notice the logs, the pool (melted jolly ranchers)
and the rock wall behind the pool.
The Ariel view...
I would love to live here! Of course, we'll continue this tradition and Trevor will continue to amaze us.
I just hope to keep my structure up next year.
Oh and one more thing,
figure out how to keep my house clean throughout this process.
Red sprinkles? really???!!!


Rebecca said...

Can I tell you that my church hosts an event like this every year... provides the graham crackers and candy as well as milk carton bases and allows the bringing in of additional materials. You have about an hour and half and they do all the clean up. :)

Elizabeth said...

I would definitely like someone to clean it all up!!!