Does running a half marathon officially make you a runner?
My first reaction to that question is YES!
My second, No... if you run more than one and can honestly say you enjoy running,
then you are a runner.
Am I a runner?
NO!, in big bold capital letters.
I am a proud half marathon FINISHER!
I earned that medal and that cookie!

I had a goal a while back. To run a half marathon before my 40th birthday. I completed my goal yesterday. I ran in the 3M Half-Marathon here in Austin yesterday. I did want to finish under 3 hours and I did. My chip time was officially 2:42:48. I finished 3,851 out of 5,750 people.
I met my goal.
I can check this off my "bucket list". (Which I don't really have)
So back to this being a runner thing...
I have always wanted to be a runner. When I started running, I hated it.
I have gotten better. I like it a little more than before.
But running for almost 3 hours is different than just going for a run around the block for some good cardio work.
At mile 4, I contemplated quitting at mile 6. That's where Trevor was going to be for the first stop and I could just tell him to take me home.
When I saw him at mile 6, I thought I can't quit....
So, here I am... running... not quitting...

I did walk some of it and I am not ashamed of that. I took a race walking class in college and learned good form and I know I am a fast walker. I am a slow runner and I don't have good form. So, when I walked, I race walked and I was able to keep a good pace. It felt good too.
At mile 10, I was wiped... I couldn't imagine running 3 more miles. I felt like everyone was passing me. I knew I could make the goal of under 3 hours, easily... But I was tired.
I never thought of quitting after mile 4 though. I guess I figured if I was this far into it why quit?
At mile 12, I still thought I had longer to go than I did. I recall hearing someone say, "Look up, you can't breathe with your head down." See, bad form, I tell ya.
So, I lifted my head and low and behold I saw the finish line! What? I'm gonna make it. I'd love to say I busted out into a sprint at this time. But that just didn't happen. I just kept going and looked for Trevor. They announced my name as I went over the line, which was cool, but I just wanted to stop running which I really couldn't do.
I did see Trevor and he did get this great picture!

When we met up and he hugged me, I just wanted to cry. I was very weak. But, I had done it. It didn't take long before I blurted out, "Glad I did that, but I don't want to do that again, ever!" I think he was a bit disappointed, but I do not enjoy running. I do not get a runners high from completing something like a half marathon. I just get tired. (and today, I am so sore!)
I also have a nice shirt and a shiny medal and yes, I will be able to say I ran a half marathon.
This is Donna. She also ran. This is her second half. She is running another one in 3 weeks. She is a runner, she has a sickness. But, its not contagious, trust me, I know!

I will keep running, because I actually like running shorter distances. I like 3-5 miles. I have also decided that I can do a relay for a half marathon. That's a 6-7 mile run.
As a matter of fact, Trevor and I are signed up for the Capital 10K in March.
That is how we will celebrate my 40th birthday!