Today he turned FIVE!!!

You eat at Mc Donalds when a 5 year old chooses the place for dinner.
At least its a remodeled Mc Donalds here in Elgin, it was very nice dining facilities.

Daddy made this special cake, just for Hollister.

Check out the inside... it's ICE CREAM.
Hollister's favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip,
thats what's inside this cake.

We capped the night with presents and bowling!

Today was just family... stay tuned for more this weekend....
I can NOT believe he is 5 already!!! BTW, that cake looks so great!! The letters on it are It's time for someone to start a bake shop! :)
hope Hollister has a great birthday weekend. That cake looks delicious. I love the fact that it has mint chocolate chip ice cream in it.
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