Mr. Personality is 15 months old today!
Disclaimer: I wrote that yesterday when I thought he was 15 months old, then last night I realized that he is 16 MONTHS OLD!!!!!
How does that happen? How do I lose a whole month?
Disclaimer: I wrote that yesterday when I thought he was 15 months old, then last night I realized that he is 16 MONTHS OLD!!!!!

Another reason why I will never get mother of the year.
Someone recently told me we named Hamilton correctly, because he is quite a "ham"! Get it?
Yep, she was right. Hamilton can really work the charm. He waves and smiles to total strangers. Last week at Wal-Mart, he played peek-a-boo with a lady in a wheelchair shopping cart and made her day.
He is so playful loving. He follows his big brother Hollister around everywhere. He loves to play "chase" with him. They truly are comical to watch.
He is in love with his big brother Kendrick. Last night he played peek-a-boo with him behind the couch. Whenever he sees him he lifts his hands because he knows Kendrick will pick him up. He loves to lay his head on his shoulders.
When I pick up CJ and then go get the boys from day care, CJ will hide in the car until I bring them out. Hamilton just lights up when he sees him. That truly makes CJ's day. He'll say, "Oh, he does remember me!"
In the morning he is absolutely the happiest baby to get from his bed. He will smile so big and sometimes even try and hide from you when you go to get him. He hasn't quite figured out that we can see him even when he can't see us.
He loves to give kisses, but only on his time. When he does though, he is quite generous. Trevor will ask him for a kiss and he'll give him one. Then give me one, then back to Daddy, then to me and sometimes it continues for a while. So loving! He will also trick us. He'll go to give you a kiss and at the last minute turn his head and psych you out! Then he just laughs!
He follows directions very well. He will throw things away in the trash cans if you ask. He will also throw stuff he isn't supposed to throw away, so we have to watch the trash can carefully. IF we tell him to get his shoes, he'll go get them and then try and put them on his feet. Last night he even brought me my shoes so we could go to soccer practice.
This was at soccer practice. I normally make him stay in his umbrella stroller, but he was antsy yesterday. so I let him play. He loved the orange cones (see picture above). Then he grabbed a ball and was throwing it and kicking it. So cute!

All around he is just so happy and playful and its hard to even fathom life before him. The past 15, I mean 16 months feel like forever and I think that is a good thing.
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