The graduate!
getting ready for the ceremony
The Class of 2011
There were 10 of them.

Dad and Hollister afterward
I was unable to go to the ceremony which bummed me out, but Trevor did a great job with photos and even took a video for me. Hollister was also given the "Purple Heart" award. When Hollister started at this day care, he was 2 1/2. He refused to talk for 2 months and was extremely shy. Three years later, this is not the case. He has truly blossomed while attending day care and now he's off to "big school." (Insert Mom and Dad wiping away a tear)
And, in my blog hopping adventures, I find all kinds of cute ideas. These are not originals, I steal everything, but I will give credit... here's some fun treats and teacher gifts we made for the last day of day care!
Graduation Hats!

These are the candy I used. (plus mini m&ms)

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