I hosted a baby shower over Labor Day weekend for my neighbor Kristy. She is having another boy. I was so hoping for a pink theme, but baby blue it would be.
Trevor made a great cake of course. The bad thing was an hour before the shower the electricity went out in all of Elgin. Seriously? I thought it was some cruel joke. Well, fondant needs cool air and the cake starting melting.
Trevor handled it well, I was a basket case.
I was about to have 15 + people in my house with NO AIR!!!!
Sorry the pics are dark, no light. And no, I couldn't open the blinds, it was TOO HOT!
I did an all blue, candy theme. We have blue taffy, blue jelly beans, blue Pixie Stixx, blue York Paddy bits and even blue Almond Joy candy pieces. I have blue Sixlets (chocolate covered candy), and blue candy sticks. 
And of course, blue punch as well. 
Chocolate covered pretzels.
They are cigars and say "Its a boy!" SUPER CUTE and of course, a big hit!
Kristy had asked for a strawberry cake, but then I realized that it would be pink. Uh, that doesn't match my theme!!! But, I gave in and settled for blue sprinkles on the cupcakes.
Oh and here's the guest of honor's mom! Cooper Adam Clowdus should be here early October!

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