We bought this pre made houses at Ikea a few years back. We opened them and they were in perfect condition. We had two, one for Hollister and one for Hamilton.
Serious business. He is reading the directions!
After theirs were set and dried overnight, they decorated.
Hollister's (he made the snowman on his own)
CJ decided he was out this year. Bummer.
I made mine, decorated it and was done fairly quickly. My goal is just to keep it standing and not eat all the decorations and make myself sick. I tried incorporating some "cotton" for the upcoming bowl, but it's just a blob. Oh well.
Heavens only knows what this conversations includes.
Maybe Hamilton is giving me ideas?
My finished house.
Go Aggies. (sad cotton, I know)
Kendrick, well like always he starts strong and loses interest fast. Once again, an unfinished house.
And now, one week later... seriously people.... Trevor's house is complete.
Getting started... see, ONE WEEK AGO!!!!
Building walls
That date is wrong! It's a few hours behind... it is 12/31/2012 now!
But, it is beautiful as always. He really is verfy creative.
We were out yesterday and bought, on great clearance, four houses for the boys next year. Yep, four this time. We think the older boys need some help. It was a mess, it was fun and I have been sweeping graham cracker crumbs all week.
Hope you enjoyed our attempt at art.
Take a look back at previous years:
Happy New Year!