Do you see all those presents? I am positive Santa came to the wrong house! This year we changed where our tree went. It didn't really fit though. We ended up leaving the top off. It's kind of funny, but it works! We liked having it in front of the window.
Opening stockings stuffed with all kinds of good stuff!
Hamilton got Mickey's farmhouse. This was his Santa gift.
And this, we just couldn't resist.
This was the only other thing that Hamilton asked for, a big boy bike. He loves it. Due to the cold weather we got for the holiday, he has yet to ride it outside, but is a whiz at riding it in the house.
I was noticing that I don't have good pictures or even that many. But we all had a great Christmas and got things we wanted and enjoyed spending time together. There's lots to organize now and lots to play with. Trevor and I actually bought each other the exact same gift. We each got the other a Keurig coffee maker. We each bought a coffee carousel for each other. I tell ya, great minds think alike. Oh, and Kendrick got me a new microwave. I have had the same microwave since I lived in College Station. Yes, that is almost 10 years people!!! We rarely use a microwave. But when we do, those boys complain something fierce. But now, I have a new one to be installed. Anyone know a handyman that can do that for me?
Most of all, I enjoyed having four boys in my house all at the same time!
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