Saturday, February 25, 2012

Monkey See, Monkey do....

Soon,  we will officially be a two sport family again. Soccer begins next week and Tball begins a few weeks after that. Practice for both has already begun though, so we kind of are now, right?

We have moved Hollister "up" in both sports. In soccer he will play with U8 (under 8). It's a bigger field and they play positions. In baseball, he will move from Tball to Coach Pitch. And yes, his Dad is the coach. Trevor is assisting in soccer, but not coaching.

Recently the boys have been having batting practice in our backyard. Well, if Hollister is doing it, so is Hamilton. So, before the posts begin for Hollister's sports, I thought I'd create one for Hamilton. He is actually quite good and very focused!

Here's some photos too. He is so focused. Wish I could just bottle this up!

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