For Hollister's birthday (in January), we wanted to buy him a bike. Trevor and I searched several stores and just weren't quite sure the size that he needed. After several stores, we decided to just buy a helmet and let him pick out a bike. Then we had his party and afterward, we gave him the helmet. He was greatly disappointed and told us he didn't want a bike.
We both felt kind of glad we hadn't chosen one and gave it to him in front of his friends and him hate it! So, time has passed; two months actually. LOL We have been to stores of course, just never looked for a bike. On a random whim last weekend, Trevor had him get on a bike in Wal-Mart and HE FELL IN LOVE! We told him we would get a bike soon, but not at that exact moment. He became obsessed. He went to bed that night and the first thing out of his mouth the next morning was, "I want a bike." It was all he talked about for the entire weekend. Spring Break was this past week, so we met Trevor in town one day and found a bike. It was a good thing too, we would have gotten the wrong size in January. Needless to say he loves his bike and is a riding fool! 
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