Monday, May 27, 2013

Slippin' Into some Fun!

Little League baseball ended for us last weekend. We ended with the tournament. It was a double elimination. We lost the first game, won the second, and had to play the team we lost to in game one for our game three. The game was exciting. But we lost amidst some controversy. That's what seems to happen in Elgin Little League. It was a great season though. We enjoyed the team and the parents, so much so that we started a summer team with these kids. This has already proven to be exciting, so expect more posts on baseball.

This was one of the games, not sure which. Hamilton is a super hero with his "scarf cape" brought to him by Cindy (on left) specifically for him. When you play with girls, you use scarf capes! He loved it! 
 Hollister up to bat. He is becoming quit the little hitter! 

After that loss though, we sulked. And by we, I mean Trevor and myself. Trevor was really bummed. He was so proud of the kids, and technically we won. So, the way things unfolded, just leaves a bitter taste in our mouths. Thankfully our friends invited us over for some water fun!

He's moving so fast, he's a blur! 

yes, water balloons too! 

 Things get serious when you bring out the boards and include dish soap! 

This is what happened most of the time, lots of crashing! 
It was good fun and a much needed distraction.

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