Saturday, August 24, 2013

Building Project

We recently cleaned out our garage. I found these. 

They were given to me when Hollister was born for the two older boys.

Yes, Hollister is 7 years old! We have had them that long!

And yes, the older boys never made  them.

Well, Hollister is really into "arts and crafts". He digs through my trash to make stuff. He is very creative.

He isn't patient though and this project had to be done over several days.

Day 1
Handy Daddy to the rescue. 

Hamilton didn't like the hammering noise. 
Day 2: 
They sanded while Daddy was at work.

Later on Day 2: 

 Day 3:

The finished projects! Stickers and all!
They love their lockers and have them filled with toys. 

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