Sunday, November 10, 2013

Are You Ready for Some Football?

This FOUR year old is!!!!! 
Today is Hamilton's 4th birthday! Trevor was determined that he would have a party. On his first birthday, he had ear surgery. On his 2nd, we did a very small get together here. Last year, Hollister had ear surgery on Hamilton's birthday. So, it was very important for Hamilton to have a party. He told us he wanted a football theme. He looks ready doesn't he?

I know, he has a goofy look, but gotta have of all of us. 

Of course, Trevor worked his magic and the cake was amazing.
Hamilton absolutely loved his football cake!
He loved hearing everyone sing to him! 

This is also the first year he knew what to do after we finished singing. 
The best thing about having a football party is the kids just played football outside! 
We used a game Trevor had made for a festival in town. It was perfect! 
I wasn't as good at getting pictures of this action. Trust me, the kids loved it, and so did the adults!

I have a bunch more pictures and I will get more posts out this week. I just wanted to make sure you all got to see something quickly though. 


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