Thursday, January 2, 2014

End of 2013

Us at the beginning of 2013
2013 flew by. I don't think I am the only one that feels that way. 
Thankfully 2013 did not bring any big surprises for our family. 

I still work at the middle school teaching 6th grade math. 
Trevor still works extremely hard at TKH Homepros. We have some exciting news coming up concerning the business, stay tuned that announcement soon! 

Kendrick still works full time and attends school. 
He did become a full time employee with Air Products though. This is a big deal! 

CJ turned 16 and became a driver. This has been a very nice edition to the family. He is a junior and preparing for his last year of high school. he is officially signed up for the SAT test later this month. 

Hollister continues to be brave when it comes to his ear surgeries. He had one in the Spring. He has begun a new study involving CT Scans and MRI's. These are less evasive ways to look for cholestetomas. 
He had to endure his first IV over the break. He has always been "asleep" when he's had them before. It was really scary. They put this numbing cream on him. He says it didn't work, but he loved that it looked like eyes so we had to take this picture. 

Hamilton continues to keep us on our toes. He turned 4. This kid is just plain funny. 
He told Trevor the other night that he speaks Spanish. When he asked him to say something in Spanish, he said, "I only do it at school." Oh really?  

Hollister decided to end 2013 with a bang. He hurt his foot at Grandma's house the day after Christmas. he limped on it for a few days and a large bruise appeared. We took him in and they wanted an x-ray. And of course, he has some stress fractures. After a VERY long process on New Year's Eve, he has a new green cast for the next 3 weeks! 

That face says it all! 
New Year's Eve

Happy 2014, here it comes, ready or not

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