Thursday, June 12, 2014

Baseball Buddies

The boys' regular season ended at the end of May. Both received medals for being in the league.

Hollister is part of the All-Star baseball team. This past weekend, they played in a tournament. This has become familiar territory for us. We spend a lot of time with these people. Everyone brings snacks, food, drinks, etc... we sit under a nice tent to shield the sun and relax between games. We seriously spend 90% of our time with these people. We are a very close knit group.

Sometimes  this what Hamilton does during games. 
He was actually sick on this day. When he woke up, he got sick. He and I went home immediately. 
Poor kid. 

Most of the time though, this is him. 

Sassy and playful! 
Notice that he is always in baseball gear, always

This past weekend, our  team took 3rd place. Only first and second are given medals or trophies. It was disappointing for our kids, but losing is part off the game as well. 

The official all-star tournament begins in a week and a half. Stay tuned for those updates. 

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