Saturday, August 2, 2014

Baseball Buddies

August 1st marked Hollister's journey into Kid Pitch baseball. This is the next level of baseball after coach pitch.

We have a new team name, and new team uniforms. Most the boys on our team moved up with us and have played together for a while. It's a nice family we have with baseball.

We are now the Avalanche. 
Trevor created these awesome new uniforms and hat!

Trevor managed to get together an outing to a Round Rock Express Game. We had about 45+ seats. The boys were able to wear their new jerseys and meet the players.

Since it was on a Friday night, we were treated to a great fireworks show as well!
Before the game 

As the players come out for warm ups, they are supposed to sign autographs for the boys. Some do, some don't. Last night there were two teams which made for a lot of signing. It's easy to sit and judge those who didn't stop for the boys. I mean, they used to be on kid pitch teams years ago. But, it is what it is.

As this was going on, the team was announced and put oo the big screen. It was cool to see the boys realize they were "on TV".

Hamilton was playing with his friend Cindy, one of the teammates little sister, before the game when all of the sudden,  his favorite mascot, Spike walked up. He was beyond thrilled! 

 It looks to me that Spike was pretty stoked to get a high five from Hamilton. 
Be sure to check out Hamilton's face. 

 Not knowing I was getting pictures of all that, Hamilton rushed over and had to get a picture with Spike, again. 

Normally, Baseball Buddies get to go to on the field with the Round Rock Express player to their position. Hollister was looking forward to going to first base. 
But, last night Round Rock was hosting its first Alumni Weekend and told us they would make a line with the other team so the players could run out on the field through them. 
It was a little disappointing for the boys, but they all still had good experiences. We think the fact that there were two teams was the real issue, but again, it is what it is. 
You can't see, but Hollister is in front of #9, one of the other coaches. 

Then they were able to stand on the field during the National Anthem.
They saw themselves on the big screen again during the song. They thought it was cool of course. 

I wish I had a picture of the whole group, someone probably does though, so maybe another time. 
This is just us having some fun with selfies! 

After the game, we were treated to a really good fireworks show. Something we have learned about baseball fields and fireworks shows, THEY ROCK!!!! 

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