Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Halloween and Science

At Hollister's school, they use Halloween to incorporate Science Vocabulary. I think its a very good idea. I call it homework for the parents.

Trevor made last year's. Click here for a reminder.

This year, it was my turn.

Hollister wanted to be gravity. Uh... seriously? How do you create gravity?

His second choice was bones. DONE! I can handle  that!

I luckily found a child size skeleton online and printed it. I laminated it and cut out all the pieces, dressed him in all black and safety pinned everything to him that morning!

My school on the other had, we DO dress up 
and if I can find an excuse to wear pajamas to school, I WILL !!!! 

 Hamilton choose to be Bumblebee which was last year's costume for both boys. 
He wore Hollister's from last year. 

Yes, this is actually how we left the house that morning.
 And no, I couldn't drive with that on my head. 

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