Thursday, June 2, 2016

End of the School Year 2015-2016

This school year has FINALLY come to a close. 

22 years for me in the books.

Hardest year so far.

In August, I never would have imagined the school year I have lived through. 
Personally, you know its been tough. 
Professionally, its been a challenge. 

I know things happen for a reason and I NEEDED to be at the same school as the boys this year. 

I have learned though, that professionally, I only want to teach one subject and I don't want to teach the same kids all day. 

For me, today was the last day of 5th grade I will teach. 
I am moving back to the middle school to teach 6th grade Math again. 
I am happy to know I will already know a third of the students I teach. 
(We have three elementary schools that feed to the middle school) 
And, on a side note. I started a "diet"on the first day of school with my neighbor. 
She got pregnant. 
I lost 37.6 pounds. It feels GREAT of course! 
(Still working towards my goal in that area.)

Hamilton completed kindergarten dual language as written about in the previous post about graduation

Hollister completed 4th grade. 
Hollister has had a challenging year in many areas. 
For Hollister, I have seen him grow up so much. 
He has some really close friends through baseball and school and 
they have proved to be solid for him.
He's had strong teacher who took special care of him for me as well.

I loved comparing the first day to the last. 
First of all, they have both grown soooo much. 
Hollister has filled out quite a bit and no longer has a neck like ET. 

Secondly, we don't use gel much around here any longer and they don't like collared shirts! 

For most of the year, I feel we lived in a fog. 
Many days, school was our saving grace. 
But everyday, we woke up with each other and started fresh, good or bad. 

I'm so proud to be these boys' momma and so glad my job gives me the opportunity to be close to them when needed and to spend the next ten weeks with them. 


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