Of course he doesn't. He is playing and eating and pooping (thank God!). But, he woke us up 2 times last night vomiting!!!! He was in our bed already which actually made it better. The first time he woke up choking. What a scary sound. It was pretty bad. He did make it to the toilet before an even bigger mess was made. it was 1:45am by the way. He was given a bath, sheets and comforter put in the washer and we were all back in bed fast asleep.
At 3:45am, he woke up again and was trying to vomit. He had nothing in his system though, only some water that he had after the first episode. This was much less dramatic. But, now he had a fever. So, after cleaning up and taking some Motrin, we were back in bed. He wanted to watch Mickey of course. He made it through about 5 minutes before he was back fast asleep. He slept until 8:30!!! Poor kid.
We all slept late. CJ woke up at 6:45 freaking out! He is normally woke up at 6:15. He was smart though. He got up, dressed and got his backpack ready. Then he quietly walked in to our bedroom, shook me awake and said, "Mom, what is going on?" I let him know Hollister was sick and that I'd take him to school. He was thrilled not to ride the bus!
So, Hollister and I home together today. He has no fever right now and is extremely playful, as you can tell by the photos with "Dog and Mickey" Maybe it is just a small something or other. Who knows? Just one request Hollister, no vomiting, especially while Daddy is gone. Not sure I can do it on my own!
Oh my gosh!! Hollister looks like a totally different kid. I can't believe it. And I totally forgot that you moved to Elgin! Can't wait to stay up to date by reading your "secret" blog. ;) Love you girl!!
you can share it with anyone, really... I just need to know so I can invite them.. I just have an overprotective hubby!!!
but then again, I kind of like the "secret" part! hee hee
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