We do not believe in child labor laws!
After the initial cleaning, Daddy thought it would be fun to let the boys actually demo. They LOVED it. They took the whole wall down. I was a bad mom and forgot to take an after picture, sorry. Trust me, that crazy purple wall is GONE! CJ had an exceptionally good time with the sledge hammer. He actually told Trevor, "I had fun today" If you don't know, THAT IS HUGE! CJ HATES when we take him to work. He'd rather eat nails I think. But give him a sledge hammer and it's "cool".
Now, do not be fooled. We do "pay" our kids when they work. We went to opening night of Madagascar 2. We decided to go before they actually "earned" it because we wanted one day to veg at home and not wake up early. We choose to do that Sunday. The movie was super cute and yes, CJ went too, but its not cool for an 11 year old to take a picture at the movies. :)
The rest of our weekend will consist of college football, professional football, grilling steaks, laundry and cleaning toilets. Hey, it can't all be glamorous!
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