Tuesday, November 17, 2009

1 week check up

Today Hamilton is ONE week old. He had his first Dr.'s check up and I had a quick check up with my Dr.

Hamilton left the hospital at 9lbs 1 oz. Today he was 9lbs, 12 oz. That is one ounce from his birth weight. This kid can definitely eat! He is in the 90%tile for his weight and height.

My check up was also great. So far, so good on the incision. Of course, they weighed me.... well I am thrilled that in one week I have lost 25 lbs. I AM THE BIGGEST LOSER. It felt great. I have much to lose and need to get "back in shape", but for today I am basking in the fact that I am 25 pounds LESS than I was a week ago! The other great news is my blood pressure was AWESOME!!!! Yes, I am on meds, but that's the point, right!

Hollister also had a check up today. He was a great big brother though and made sure Dr. was treating his baby brother right.


Heidi said...

Hes so cute Elizabeth. I can't wait to meet him. Take it easy and enjoy your time with that precious baby.

Mya and River said...

He is one big boy and you are gonna be one small momma! ;)