Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thankful for my turkeys

Last year I didn't want to make a long list of all I was thankful for, it just seemed so cliche'. So I posted this instead. Fun and totally appropriate in our home.

This year though, how do I not talk about everything I have to be thankful for? This morning, I drank coffee and held the most precious 14 day old baby while listening to my older 3 laugh and giggle. How does one even express thankfulness for that?

I am blessed, well beyond what I deserve and trust me, I am thankful....


Heidi said...

What a great group of "Turkeys" you have. Hamilton is precious by the way. We miss you but glad your able to spend this special time with him.

Mya and River said...

Happy Thanksgiving!! That little outfit is so cute!!

Sandra said...

Now that's one chubby little turkey :) So cute!

Zora said...

Happy Thanksgiving! What a great picture of the boys!