So here goes.... and just so you know, its long, but lots of great pics... and I apologize, I am having some spacing issues when publishing. It doesn't look like it does when I am writing it and I am not techno savvy enough to fix it. Sorry...
During Spring Break, Hollister and I made peanut butter play dough. It was sooo fun! For mommies of young kids, get the recipe
here. Its edible and not really that messy.
Ingredients: dry milk, peanut butter, honey, powdered sugar.

We put ours in the fridge before eating. He is so proud and no, he doesn't have a mouthful of it yet, just a silly face!
Several months ago, Trevor made fondant for the first time. Fondant is a sugary covering that makes cake smooth and pretty. Problem is, it doesn't taste that good. We had fondant on our wedding cake and it was yuck! There is icing underneath fondant, so you can still enjoy cake, but as a whole, fondant is not people's favorite. Watching one of the many cake shows one night, we heard how easy one baker makes fondant and Trevor tried it. It worked! So far, Trevor has tried fondant three times.
Begin with a cute baker! (Haha....)
Grease the table with Crisco
Pour powdered sugar on the table, melt marshmallows

Pour the melted marshmallows onto the powdered sugar. I know this picture is blurry, sorry, but you kind of need to see this part. Begin kneading the mixture.
Knead, knead, knead... eventually it will turn in to a ball!

Pat that ball and wrap it in Saran wrap. Place in fridge until ready to be used.
And amazingly, you can turn marshmallows and powdered sugar into these:
The top is fondant, the bottom is his regular amazing icing.

Dipped cupcakes in fondant and then decorated! YUM!!!
Only white so far, but anything is possible. And, yes, it is YUMMY!
I continue my love/hate relationship with running. At the beginning of March I participated in a 5k with a bunch of ladies from school. It was loads of fun. Recently Trevor has decided to join me in my running quest. This has been really nice. I think I am going to enjoy having a running partner. I blogged about our first run together here.
My team, we were the DDD team, Drop Dead Divas!
The Whole Gang
And of course sports has taken over our nights and weekends, but we wouldn't have it any other way.... Trevor is coaching both soccer and TBall and is on the Elgin Soccer Board. He even has a title: Vice President of U6 soccer division! He's a busy man!
How cute is this boy?
This is him longing to be in the dugout with his Daddy and brother at one of our TBall games.

More cuteness.... hanging out at their brother's soccer game.

Isn't this picture funny? This is Hollister after running through the celebration tunnel at the end of our last soccer game. Which we did win!

This is after our Tball game. It ended during his bedtime.