I actually had a great birthday and was no less off by not having a party. If you missed it, click here.
Saturday, after Tball and soccer, I told Trevor I wanted to nap. I was hoping he would nap with me, but the youngest one decided not to nap, so Trevor stayed up as well. Almost 2 hours later, yes, TWO HOURS!!!!! Trevor came and woke me up. I was shocked at the time. He said, "well, lets bathe the boys and we'll just have that out of the way." So, I did and then went down stairs. I noticed the house looked different and he saw my face. Things had just been put back in their place and organized. He said, "We (meaning my neighbors) decided last night to have game night." I said, "Oh, okay, who's coming?" He mentioned two families and I said, okay. He said no one really had time to prepare anything so I told them to bring it over and I'd get things ready.
When we do game night everyone just brings stuff to share, appetizers, chips, etc.... At one point, I said to Trevor, we have a lot of food for 6 of us. But really, this isn't abnormal. We ALWAYS have more food than we need.
I quickly swept and mopped the floors because even though it was just my neighbors, my house was pretty dirty. Trevor told me, "You should go change." With a sigh, I did. Man, I just wanted to be comfy. Since it was just game night, I threw my hair back, threw on some yoga pants and a homemade-blinged out shirt I made for a run I did with some friends at school.
At 7pm, my neighbor and her kids came over. She made her famous guacamole! My fav!
Then someone knocked on the door and in comes a friend who is NOT a neighbor. I said, "UH.. hi... its not game night huh?" I kind of caught on. More knocks, more friends and their kids. Cards and presents and in walks Trevor with a cake!
WHAT!!!?? You threw me a surprise party? How did he pull that off? He told me to nap and if you know me, I will NEVER pass up a nap!
I was totally shocked and can't believe no one spilled the beans. He had even invited friends from work, which is quite the drive for them.
Check out all that food! How did I not catch on?
Here's a funny story... I love oatmeal pies,I mean love, no I mean, obsessed..... I have been known to buy a box of Little Debbie oatmeal pies and eat the entire box before the evening is over. For the record, I haven't done this since CJ was very little.... For this reason, I never and I mean NEVER buy them. I know myself and they have some crazy hold over me. I am just sucked in by their awesomeness. Well, after 6 1/2 years together, Trevor just learned this fact about me. How is that? I don't know. I guess because I know my weakness with them and just refuse to even go near the Little Debbie section at the grocery store. Well, now that he knows, look what he bought me? Sweet and kind of mean, all at the same time. But guess what? I learned that most people LOVE oatmeal pies and that plate was empty by morning! See, I am telling you, they have a hold on more than just me! 

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