Today is MLB Opening Day for the Astros! Beaseball is serious business in our house.
This was dinnner! All baseball park food of course.
Hotdogs, yes, wrapped in aluminum foil, nachos and "French fries". (keep reading)
This was the younger boys opening Day presents! 
We can't wait to go to see the Round Rock Express, even if they are now Triple A for the Rangers. We will still support them. The boys are official members of "Spike's Kids Club". They got this cool shirt, a Spike blanket and 10 sets of 4 tickets for the BERM seating at the Dell Diamond. Its a really great deal for some really good family fun! And its only $20! If you are local, I highly recommend it.
Today is also April Fool's Day? Mom can not resist!
this? This was last years dinner, we ate dessert first!
This year along with our baseball themed dinner, I made "French fries with ketchup". They are made from pound cake and red icing. Hollister saw the icing bag and said, "Can I have cake?" Really? We can't get anything passed him. I said, "its not cake, its french fries." He took a bite and said, "hmm. this is different." We just laughed. CJ did a good job of playing along. Heck, he got to eat with dinner, I'd play along too!

I also played an April Fool's joke on CJ. I was cleaning up and saw that the red food coloring from the "ketchup" had spilled. It was everywhere! What a mess. It looked like blood to me, so I put some on my finger and called CJ downstairs. I acted panicky and said, "Hurry, I'm bleeding." He saw it and FREAKED! He started running around the kitchen loooking frantic and grabbed a paper towel... ran over to me... He was like, "Oh mom, what happened..." I couldn't contain myself and just started laughing. He did not think it was so funny. Mom thought it was HYSTERICAL!!!
My napkin had lots of splotches of red food coloring. I had another idea....
Trevor had been across the street during my trick on CJ. So I walked across with the napkin on my nose. My neighbor said, "What's wrong?" I said, "Oh bloody nose." It was dark so they couldn't see, but Trevor and both the neighbors told me where I should hold the napkin, etc.. to get it to stop. We started walking in their house to see something and when we went in, I expected them to check on my nose. No, nothing... so I said, "Uh.. hello? bloddy nose! April Fools!" They just scoffed. I told my funny story about CJ and at least they liked that.
No, I really don't like April Fool's jokes, but I do love tricking my family with fun foods. That I will always do! The laughs wwere "icing on the cake!" (Pun intended!)
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