Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Annual Dessert Party

It was that time of the year again this past weekend!

Kristy made this cute NO BAKE cake!!!

And unlike last year, people ate! And all those great dishes I have that I use once a year, well, I washed them all! I also didn't mind washing them. Which, if you know me, washing dishes is super close to the top of things I truly despise!!!!

 I didn't get everyone, but the reason we have a dessert party is because of these people!


           Jerry, Tina, Kevin,
            Laura and AmandaMike still needs to learn about that hand gesture being inappropriate in this house. But, his new baby is super cute, so he gets a pass this time. :)
            Sherrie and Zack, also a new addition to our neighborhood since the last dessert party.
            Melanie, Trevor and Kevin

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