Friday, December 16, 2011

Kindergarten Christmas party

I had a Dr.'s appt Thursday which happened to fall on the same day as Hollister's school Christmas party. So instead of taking a half day, I took a full day and  played the role of Mom all day. It was fabulous!

 Hollister made this cupcake, his very own reindeer!

Pin the nose on Rudolph... he wasn't even close.


Hollister and his table friends, Bobby, Aiden and Macy.

Hollister had made these cookies the day before in class. He was quite proud of them.

Then it was present time. Mrs. Geiser gave the kids each 2 presents. They of course loved them

Hollister got a frisbee first.

Then he got a light up snowflake. What a hit these were!
    Next, she opened her presents from the kids. Thanks to Pinterest, I found this unique gift to make for her.

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