Sunday, May 20, 2012

First Cast

Yesterday, before Hollister's third soccer game, he fell on his arm. He cried and we knew he hurt it, but he could move it and it seemed okay. He fell during the game as well and winced quite a bit.

That evening he headed to New Mexico with Trevor and his brothers for the next three days.

This morning Trevor took him to Urgent Care in New Mexico. They took x-rays and it appears that Hollister has sprained or fractured his growth plate. He has been referred to an orthopedic surgeon.

They put a cast on it and I am researching doctors to call first thing tomorrow and on Wednesday, he will be seeing a Dr. Both injuries are treated the same. He will leave the wrapped cast he has now or be put into a full cast for 6-8 weeks!!!


Thank goodness soccer and baseball are over for us! Plus, he has surgery on June 4th on his right ear, which means no water for a month. So, we will start our summer with waterless activities!

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