Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Graduate

We may still have a day and a half left of school, but Hollister has officially graduated from Kindergarten.
Before graduation
With his diploma

Dad and the grad

Mom and the grad

Proud parents

Getting in line!

Here's a video of Hollister accepting his diploma. It was hard to take photos and video. I couldn't decide which I wanted more. So, I missed his name being called. But, you get the point.

After the ceremony he was quick to lose the cap and gown. It was quite the party with cake, ice cream and pizza.

This year has been a good one for Hollister. His biggest accomplishment was getting all 12 sight word list completed. There were 12 words on each list.  He completed this as of last week. This is the chart in his class to show progress. We are so proud of how hard he worked to learn all these words.
He is #11 on the list.

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