Sunday, November 18, 2012

Tennis Champ

CJ is playing tennis again this year for his school. Last week he got his FIRST individual medal at a tennis tournament in Georgetown.

He took 3rd place in singles.
So proud of this boy!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Ear Surgery-Number 4

Hollister had his fourth ear surgery yesterday. It was surgery #2 on his right side.

He got a new beanie cap and took Curious George with him this time.

Since Hollister's surgery is considered "long" they use a new gown. The vacuum attaches and heats him up. He thought it was pretty funny.

 Saying goodbye this time was a little harder. He is such a trooper through all of this, but he knows what is happening now and leaving mom and dad is getting tough. Thankfully, this was the shortest of all his surgeries. There was no cholesteatoma in the right ear! This is obviously great news!

During the first surgery, Dr. Kemper created a prosthetic hearing piece. Hollister has one on the left side too. The good news: it was in the right place and had adhered correctly. It was tilted slightly, but the Dr. was able to fix that. He is very optimistic that this will bring hearing in that ear back to normal.

Hollister will continue to wear his baha to help with his hearing on the left side.
Right now, he can hear. We are only 20 hours out as I write this. He is doing very well. We are very optimistic. We are also cautious though because in June, complications showed up a few days later.

We are pleased, as always with our doctors evaluation and will continue in his care. Hollister also had a tube put in his left ear, but due to some complications he is having on that side, it may not stay in place. For now, we wait for the right side to heal and because we know he does have some hearing on the left, there will be a fifth surgery.
Trevor set up a nice area for him to rest. This is him getting some much needed sleep.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Got Milk?

This could be in a magazine! But, it is the real thing.
We love milk in this house.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

I know where the 3 years have gone....

Hamilton is officially three. I kind of feel like saying he is finally three!

He is such a big boy already, sometimes it's hard for me to think of him as a "baby". He has been potty trained for months now. None of my other boys were potty trained at 3.

He is quite the talker and singer. He is very verbal in every way. He is also extremely talented sports wise. He has watched his older brother and he has learned well. Plus, he is just a big boy.

He does have quite the temper as well. He knows what he wants and when he wants it.

He loves his daddy and his big brothers. He especially loves his Hollister. It's kind of a love/hate relationship. Mostly love though.

He took cupcakes to school on Friday. He decided tractors; so his Daddy went to work.

These are edible! YUM!!!

On Saturday, we celebrated at home. Just the six of us. It was a really nice day. Finally being home all day, nothing to do but be at home.

He also let us sing to him. He didn't quite understand blowing out the candles though. Hollister and CJ helped out with that.

Trevor and I would also like to note that he dressed himself. He loves playing with his brothers sports socks and cleats. Its kind of an obsession of his right now.

He is all about Mickey Mouse and tractors.  It helps that Mickey has a great farm theme out now with TRACTORS!!!

Silly boy with his new toys.

 Two silly boys!

Happy Birthday Hamilton!!!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Playing Dress Up

Yes, our children did participate in Halloween this year. Their mom did too.

And now she is finally getting around to writing about it.

First, it was "hat day" at school. How cute is this kid?!

The boys wanted to be super heroes again this year. We waited to the last possible minute to get costumes as well. With sports, we just don't go near a Target, Wal- Mart or Party City often, seriously, I spend 98% of my life in Elgin.
Thank goodness Trevor doesn't!

Dad to the rescue!

But first, Hamilton was allowed to wear his costume to school, but they couldn't guarantee nothing bad would happen. So, we opted for an alternative.  I saw this on Pinterest and thought it would be super cute.

homeless costume

We made him a "lumberjack" instead of homeless.
 Check out the stumble.
So stinking cute!

For Hollister, he was the blue Power Ranger and Halloween night Hamilton was Spider-man. We took our annual trip around the neighborhood with our friends. We didn't have a party, much to Hollister's dismay. I was heavily scolded about this. Hopefully next year. I made no promises though.

I decided to dress up for school as well. My hubby had the idea and the chaps too. 
 The wig? Just for fun! The students LOVED IT!!!!! I barely made it through the day with that thing on my head. It was really hot and itchy.
The other ladies are also 6th grade teachers. Brittany Duncan on the left teaches theater and Language Arts. She was Rosie the Riveter. Susan Bause teaches Science and she was a Greek Goddess.
These ladies keep my days fun and lively.