Sunday, November 11, 2012

I know where the 3 years have gone....

Hamilton is officially three. I kind of feel like saying he is finally three!

He is such a big boy already, sometimes it's hard for me to think of him as a "baby". He has been potty trained for months now. None of my other boys were potty trained at 3.

He is quite the talker and singer. He is very verbal in every way. He is also extremely talented sports wise. He has watched his older brother and he has learned well. Plus, he is just a big boy.

He does have quite the temper as well. He knows what he wants and when he wants it.

He loves his daddy and his big brothers. He especially loves his Hollister. It's kind of a love/hate relationship. Mostly love though.

He took cupcakes to school on Friday. He decided tractors; so his Daddy went to work.

These are edible! YUM!!!

On Saturday, we celebrated at home. Just the six of us. It was a really nice day. Finally being home all day, nothing to do but be at home.

He also let us sing to him. He didn't quite understand blowing out the candles though. Hollister and CJ helped out with that.

Trevor and I would also like to note that he dressed himself. He loves playing with his brothers sports socks and cleats. Its kind of an obsession of his right now.

He is all about Mickey Mouse and tractors.  It helps that Mickey has a great farm theme out now with TRACTORS!!!

Silly boy with his new toys.

 Two silly boys!

Happy Birthday Hamilton!!!


Mya and River said...

He is so cute and all boy! I love it!!

Zora said...

Happy Birthday, Hamilton! WOW!