Friday, November 16, 2012

Ear Surgery-Number 4

Hollister had his fourth ear surgery yesterday. It was surgery #2 on his right side.

He got a new beanie cap and took Curious George with him this time.

Since Hollister's surgery is considered "long" they use a new gown. The vacuum attaches and heats him up. He thought it was pretty funny.

 Saying goodbye this time was a little harder. He is such a trooper through all of this, but he knows what is happening now and leaving mom and dad is getting tough. Thankfully, this was the shortest of all his surgeries. There was no cholesteatoma in the right ear! This is obviously great news!

During the first surgery, Dr. Kemper created a prosthetic hearing piece. Hollister has one on the left side too. The good news: it was in the right place and had adhered correctly. It was tilted slightly, but the Dr. was able to fix that. He is very optimistic that this will bring hearing in that ear back to normal.

Hollister will continue to wear his baha to help with his hearing on the left side.
Right now, he can hear. We are only 20 hours out as I write this. He is doing very well. We are very optimistic. We are also cautious though because in June, complications showed up a few days later.

We are pleased, as always with our doctors evaluation and will continue in his care. Hollister also had a tube put in his left ear, but due to some complications he is having on that side, it may not stay in place. For now, we wait for the right side to heal and because we know he does have some hearing on the left, there will be a fifth surgery.
Trevor set up a nice area for him to rest. This is him getting some much needed sleep.

1 comment:

Zora said...

Good News! Thankful! Praying for ya'll. Have a great thanksgiving!